Friday, June 5, 2009

Clothing/Packing Question

Happy Friday all! I have a question for you ladies. My best friend and her husband are coming for the weekend, and are bringing their new boat so we can out on a local lake for the weekend. What would you wear? We're heading out around 11 am and have to back by 4:00 so Mister can go to work. I don't swim/wakeboard/ski, so I won't be getting in the water. What would you take with you - purse? I know I'll need lipgloss, sunscreen, and sunglasses, but don't know what else to take. Advice on this?

Also, my Russell's birthday is tomorrow! (Please tell me I'm not the only one who celebrates pet birthday). He'll be 3. This picture is of the day we brought CoCo home, and shows how tiny she was, compared to him.

Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hey hey savannah

    I'd wear a bikini and have a cover-up that can double as a dress- I'd bring a tote bag and toss your wallet in that.

    have fun and wear your 'screen!

